When One Door Closes...

The last week of the program was just as filled as the rest of the semester. Tuesday night a group of us went to a Ceilidh dance at the University of Edinburgh's Bongo Club. Several of the dances were familiar from our first Ceilidh at the beginning of the semester and quite a few were new to me. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to participate in a "real" Ceilidh during my time in Scotland.

On Wednesday I got my final dose of Edinburgh as Gabby and I spent the afternoon shopping. Thursday was spent cleaning the Palace. Everyone helped clean the kitchen areas, servery, and dining hall, then we split into our house jobs, so I helped clean the ballroom. After lunch we had the opportunity to see the attic of the Palace. It's very run down and we had to watch where we stepped, but it was cool to see the graffiti left by Polish WWII POW's on the walls. It was then onto cleaning our rooms and checking out. That night we had an end of semester/program party. We had a BBQ, took lots of pictures, and sat around visiting and laughing.

Friday morning saw 14 of us (and our luggage) packed into a van headed to the airport. As we drove through Dalkeith we waved to a lady in the "old folks home" who had been waiting for us to drive by so she could wave goodbye. At the airport it was time for the final goodbyes.

Our flights went safely. We were delayed for our first two take-offs, but they didn't effect our connecting flights. Because I was sick all week, the changing air pressure was not a friend. I made it home safely, however, and am so thankful for the experience I had. My semester really was life changing and I learned more than I thought I ever would. I gained knowledge, friends, and an appreciation and love for other cultures and countries. Now that this time abroad has come to end, the question becomes: Where will God take me next?


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